Alpha codes of combat wings (units) and squadrons



Alpha codes of combat wings (units) and squadrons

Buchstabenschlüssel der Kampfverbände der Luftwaff





The alpha codes of fighting units
Standard and exceptions considering the number of groups:
  A = wing staff (a blue letter to the left)
B = staff of the 1st group (a green letter to the left)
C = staff of the 2nd group (a green letter to the left)
D = staff of the 3rd group (a green letter to the left)
E = staff of the 4th group (a green letter to the left)
F = staff of the 5th group (a green letter to the left)
  1st Group H = 1st Squadron (a white letter to the left)
K = 2nd Squadron (a red letter to the left)
L = 3rd Squadron (a yellow letter to the left)
 2nd Group M = 4th Squadron (a white letter to the left)
N = 5th Squadron (a red letter to the left)
P = 6th Squadron (a yellow letter to the left)
 3rd Group R = 7th Squadron (a white letter to the left)
S = 8th Squadron (a red letter to the left)
T = 9th Squadron (a yellow letter to the left)
4th Group U = 10th Squadron (a white letter to the left)
V = 11th Squadron (a red letter to the left)
W = 12th Squadron (a yellow letter to the left)
 5th Group X = 13th Squadron (a white letter to the left)
Y = 14th Squadron (a red letter to the left)
Z = 15th Squadron (a yellow letter to the left)
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